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/ 11 ratings

A free-to-use audio player designed for anyone whose music files are scattered all over their PC

Martin Pesch | 1 more apps |
updated on July 11, 2024
209.2kb | free


Completely free to use with no ads
Listen to music located in various folders without having to create playlists
Various tools to tweak your music listening experience


The user interface relies on plenty of confusing buttons
It can't really match other audio players when it comes to functionality
Price: $
If you have plenty of audio files scattered all over your storage drive, it can be quite difficult listening to music using regular audio players. In such audio players, you usually have to create playlists if you want to play music from more than one folder. 1by1 promises to take care of that problem, so let's check it out.

1by1 is a completely free music player for Windows. Its main feature is that you are able to search for music easier than ever. If your music files are scattered all around your computer, 1by1 can make it easier to scroll through different folders. Its quite lightweight but it still manages to provide many useful features.

It doesn't use playlists, artists, or albums. Instead, you can easily see the audio content of the folder you have navigated to. Once you've finished with that folder, you can skip to the next folder where you have audio files with a single click of a button. You can switch between different views and even use the neat Compact view.

You will find out that, despite being lightweight, it provides many useful features such as Multiband & Limiter, Equalizer, Enhancer, etc. Navigating through its settings, you will find that you can edit many things to your liking. The app's design is up for discussion, though. There are many confusing buttons at the top of the window and you basically operate the app using them.

The remainder of the program feels like Windows Explorer. You navigate through folders as you would in Windows Explorer. That is why 1by1 is also referred to as The Directory Player! As an audio player, it doesn't really look like something that can replace other audio players. Its directory playing will sound interesting to some users, though.
Reviewed by (editor rating 4 out of 5 stars)

Additional info

Minimum requirements

• MP3 ACM codec (present in Windows) or mpglib.dll
• Recommended for many formats: BASS library
• For exotic formats: input plugins (see doc)

Previous versions

Operating system


Supported languages



Total: 1046
Last week: 4

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